- Bronić, MihaelaTaxes in Croatia and OECD Countries
- Bronić, MihaelaTekuće dotacije Ministarstva financija općinama i gradovima na područjima posebne državne skrbi
- Kesner-Škreb, MarinaTen Reasons in Favour of a Uniform Rate of a Value Added Tax
- Bajo, Anto, Galinec, DavorTen facts about the Excessive Deficit Procedure
- Bađun, MarijanaThe Challenge of Public Pension System Reforms
- Bajo, AntoThe Croatian 2008 State Budget - Social Peace and Public Sector Expansion
- Bajo, AntoThe Croatian Budget in the 1999
- Bađun, MarijanaThe Croatian Economy on the Way to the EU: Structural Problems Need Resolving
- Bronić, MihaelaThe Croatian Ministry of Finance’s Current Grants to Municipalities and Cities in the Areas of Special National Concern
- Bajo, AntoThe Croatian Public Debt: Current State and Trends
- Ott, Katarina, Bajo, AntoThe Croatian budget in the 1999
- Bajo, Anto, Primorac, MarkoThe Croatian fiscal equalization system is improving