pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn ijf:919 "conference presentation" "Are differences in gender, education, work experience, and position relevant for strategic networking process among Slovenian SMEs?" "Morić Milovanović, Bojan; Opačak, Marija; Bubaš, Zoran" ijf:19 "journal article" "Javni dug u Republici Hrvatskoj" "Babić, Ante; Bajo, Anto; Bubaš, Zoran; Švaljek, Sandra" ijf:26 "journal article" "Public debt management / Allesandro Missale" "Bubaš, Zoran" ijf:17 book "Vodič kroz hrvatsko tržište kapitala za građane" "Alajbeg, Denis; Bubaš, Zoran" ijf:333 "journal article" "Državne financije u 2000. godini: put prema izlazu ili kružnom tijeku?" "Bubaš, Zoran" ijf:588 "journal article" "Government Finances in 2000: On the Way to the End of the Tunnel or Just Round the Roundbout" "Bubaš, Zoran" ijf:587 "journal article" "Public Sector Economics - Situation, problems, possible solutions and research" "Ott, Katarina; Kesner-Škreb, Marina; Bajo, Anto; Bejaković, Predrag; Bubaš, Zoran" ijf:153 "journal article" "The Present State of the Croatian Public Debt" "Bubaš, Zoran"