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- Urban, IvicaWhat makes the personal income tax in Croatia progressive?
- Kesner-Škreb, MarinaWhat should one know about immovable property taxation in Croatia
- Kesner-Škreb, MarinaWhat to Do with Taxes in Croatia? Tax Burden, Taxation of Income, Profit and Property
- Kesner-Škreb, MarinaWhat will happen to state aid in Croatia aft er EU accession?
- Bajo, Anto, Juričić, DamirWhen do liabilities from public-private partnership and concession contracts become the part of the general government debt?
- Bajo, AntoWhen will the Government bring out a report on the financial operations of companies of special national interest?
- Bajo, Anto, Primorac, MarkoWhere is your borrowing and public debt management strategy, gentlemen?
- Ott, KatarinaWhich Government to Trust?
- Bratić, VjekoslavWho Controls Budgetary Process in Croatia
- Kesner-Škreb, Marina, Madžarević-Šujster, SanjaWho Pays Income Tax in Croatia?